Friday, April 23, 2010

Tomatoes, Blueberries, and Bell Peppers

We've had some rainy weather over the last week or so. The forecasters are telling us to expect a warmer and drier summer than usual, so I'll take the rain every day possible. Side note: We had a week of consecutive 107+ degree weather last summer and NO rain for the entire month of June last year. Let's hope it's not hotter and drier than last year!

I think our plants are settling in pretty well, minus the two loropetalum I was lamenting last time I posted. We have such a tiny little blueberry bush, so I don't expect we'll get more than four or five blueberries for each member of the family. But it is fun to see the berries forming, even if there are only a couple of them.

The tomatoes are coming along as well.

The Bell Peppers have just started to appear as well, though they seem to be plagued by something that is eating holes in the leaves. I need to figure out what the problem is and if it is going to disturb the peppers as they develop. It's odd that they leave all the other plants around it alone, but have really gone all out on attacking this particular plant.

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