Friday, April 9, 2010


I've been pretty diligent with manually pulling weeds in the front yard. But I'm still having problems with a few broadleaf weeds like clover, spurge, and dollarweed popping up. So I went and bought a lawn weed killer that you attach to your hose an spray on your lawn. It's made by Ortho and is supposed to be safe to use on St. Augustine, Bermuda, Bahia Grass and a number of other lawn grasses. I think I've crossed into "desperate" territory when it comes to wanting to finish those weeds off once and for all. I sprayed the lawn this morning and am crossing my fingers that it does the job. Then I can start focusing on the back yard. [*moans* My poor back yard lawn...Disaster with the CAPITAL D.]

This past month we planted two Fan-Tex Ash trees. One seems to be doing really well, but the other one is having issues. I haven't really figure out exactly what the problem is. I *think* the soil it was planted in may not be draining well. The leaves are all green, but they are wilting. I've read it's common to mistake too-much water for not-enough water. I know it has had sufficient water, but our neighborhood has the problem of the dirt having too much clay in it. I thought I had accounted for that problem by making sure the hole that was dug was deeper and wider than the rootball. We backfilled the hole with tree an shrub soil before planting the rootball, thinking it would create a nice area without any clay for it to grow the roots before coming to the clay, which tends to have draining problems. While I know the roots haven't grown out of that space of great soil yet, I suppose it is possible that the clay is acting like a bowl an holding in too much water. I'll be keeping an eye on it this coming week to see if it might perk up. If too much water is the culprit, I may be out of luck, short of digging it up and moving it. Next week they are forecasting rain all week. : /

On a happier note, most all the other things we planted over the past couple months seem to be doing well. I am discovering a few munched-on leaves on my new magnolia trees, but I don't think there is a wide spread problem to worry about. It's just a couple leaves. The flowers an other plants seem to be settling in quite well. I hope it's a sign of good things to come!

A few more things from my yard right now...

Left Column: New Gold Lantana, Blue Plumbago, Hibiscus, Red Oak Leaves
Middle Column: English Ivy, Pink Pinwheel, Dahlia
Right Column: Indian Hawthorne, Chinese Tallow Leaves, Mexican Heather, Bug Munched-On Magnolia Leaf (Susanna said - "well at least they ate it in a heart shape")

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